Ebook The Slave Girl: A Novel, by Buchi Emecheta
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The Slave Girl: A Novel, by Buchi Emecheta

Ebook The Slave Girl: A Novel, by Buchi Emecheta
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Miss Emecheta's prose has a shimmer of originality, of English being reinvented....Issues of survival lie inherent in her material and give her tales weight.--John UpdikeBuchi Emecheta writes with a storyteller's flare. Her prose is vivid and simple as a stone carving.
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Born of Ibo parents in Nigeria, Buchi Emecheta is widely known for her multilayered stories of black women struggling to maintain their identity and construct viable lives for themselves and their families. She writes, according to The New York Times, with "subtlety, power, and abundant compassion." Her numerous novels include The Slave Girl, The Family, Bride Price, and The Joys of Motherhood.
Taschenbuch: 180 Seiten
Verlag: George Braziller (17. Mai 1980)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0807609528
ISBN-13: 978-0807609521
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 1,3 x 21,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 369.227 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Wer nach Nigeria reist, sollte dieses Buch vorher lesen. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, welche Lebensbedingungen noch während der britischen Kolonialzeit herrschten - über persönliche Freiheit konnte man einfach verfügen.
Eine Geschichte in der ein nigerianisches Mädchen durch eine mysteriöse Krankheit beide Elternteile verlor und von ihrem noch im Land lebenden Bruder an eine reichere Verwandte "verkauft" wurde, um sich selbst in seinem Dorf in angesehenere Lebensverhältnisse zu bringen. Man erfährt über bestehende verwurzelte Traditionen, die dem Leser die Kultur des Landes und deren Gebräuche ein wenig näher bringen, welche sicher noch heute auf dem Lande praktiziert werden. Die Geschichte spielt in der Zeit wo sich die Besatzungsmacht England aus dem Land zurückzieht und die "Sklaverei" eigentlich nicht mehr existiert.Ein wunderschön zu lesender Stil, nicht all zu schwer, jedoch unbedingt empfehlenswert.
I'm surprised Emecheta ever said she didn't want to be called a feminist!!. This book shows that's exactly what she was. I appreciate her introspection though, for at the time this book was first published in 1977, very few Ibo women could dare to think of themselves as people who deserved better than the life of subjugation their customs and culture subjected them to. Buchi was a bold woman. Good read as usual.
My daughter had to read this for school... so being the crazy parent who enjoys reading, I read it as well (because I read all the books my kids have to read). I really enjoyed it. Well written and descriptive it paints a detailed picture of the girls life from loved child, to orphan, to slave, woman and freedom. Worth the read. Not a long book.
This is a very thoughtful story linking colonialism, Christianity and slavery to patriarchy and marriage.. Freedom for women is actually denied within each of these institutions as women are always bought and sold.
This novel offers a more accurate narrative of African Identity. It charts the journey of a young girl from slavery to freedom, but more importantly it refutes a Western Fairytale ending. Instead the novel inserts its reader into the Igbo way of thinking and living, and their terms of a happy ending. I enjoyed this novel tremendously. It is a good read.
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